Para jugar amistosos en el servidor quedan habilitados los vestíbulos de "Europe" y "South America" los demás vestíbulos son de uso exclusivo para los miembros de las competiciones que se juegan en, si no se respeta pueden ser baneados los usuarios que jueguen sin permiso en un vestíbulo exclusivo.
To play friendly on the server are enabled the lobbies of "Europe" and "South America" the other lobbies are of exclusive use for the members of the competitions that are played in, if it is not respected can be banned the users who play without Permission in an exclusive lobby.
To play friendly on the server are enabled the lobbies of "Europe" and "South America" the other lobbies are of exclusive use for the members of the competitions that are played in, if it is not respected can be banned the users who play without Permission in an exclusive lobby.
![[Imagen: O5lF4OY.jpg]](